Mining Manufacturer: Warehouse Repurposing – Dangerous Goods

Our client, a commercial explosives and blasting systems manufacturer with revenue of $5b, identified a requirement to relocate one of their mining support facilities from a specifically designed facility to an old and smaller company-owned warehouse in a different location.

Glass Manufacturer: Warehouse Redesign, System Specification & SKU Slotting

Our client wanted to consolidate manufacturing operations in Sydney and Melbourne to a single site in Melbourne. But this doubling of throughput could not be accommodated without significant changes to the warehouse configuration and material flow.
Our challenge was to optimise the footprint of a consolidated manufacturing site.

Mining: Warehouse Strategy Modelling Recommendations

As part of our client’s overall strategy to better secure inventory and improve fulfilment, the supply chain team was tasked to evaluate several warehouse strategy options and provide a warehouse strategy recommendation based on site plan options and growth plans.

Mining Manufacturer: Supply Chain Maturity Assessment

As part of our client’s overall strategy to better secure inventory and improve fulfilment, Prological assessed and scored more than 100 supply chain assessment criteria in formulating a Supply Chain Maturity Assessment.

Building Materials Manufacturer: DIFOT Audit and Improvement Roadmap

Improving customer order fulfilment was identified as a key strategic business initiative for our manufacturing client.
Prological completed a two stage DIFOT measurement and DIFOT improvement programme to streamline and improving operational process, systems, resource planning and KPI definition.

Building Materials Manufacturer: Transport Equipment Design

The challenge An Australian based division of a large, multi-national company, this manufacturer of home comfort building materials was under significant pressure from headquarters  to reduce costs throughout their operations. The freight in scope was to the value of $8.5m. Exploring possibilities to unlock opportunities Prological reviewed operations and analysed data, landing on the potential […]

Agricultural Exporter: Network and Freight Redesign

In a bid to achieve cost and operational efficiencies, Prological undertook a full network and freight review and redesign for one of Australia’s longest running and highly trusted cotton marketers and exporters.

Agricultural Manufacturing: Distribution Network Remodeling – SEQ

Based on Prological’s knowledge of our client’s customer base, coupled with Toowoomba’s inherent capability in that market, Prological was invited to review, interrogate and develop alternate views.
We developed an integrated model including inbound freight and outbound freight using Toowoomba based transport providers supported by Brisbane based transport companies.