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Shifting consumer habits and advances in technology have turned the spotlight on automation to improve fulfilment capability while lowering input costs.


Shifting consumer habits and advances in technology have turned the spotlight on automation to improve fulfilment capability while lowering input costs.

Automation that’s right for your business

While automation in logistics, supply chain and retail operations has been rapidly accelerating over the past five years, recent advances in software and hardware have made the technology more accessible and affordable than ever before.

But with so many vendors, types of automation, and software on the market, how can you be sure that you’re making the right decision for your business?

At Prological, we understand that not every business is ready to, or should, take that leap into full automation.

From machine learning (ML), artificial intelligence (AI) and robotic process automation (RPA), through to Automated Mobile Robots (AMRs), and software service assistants, our automation specialists will help you assess which level of automation is right for your business, now and into the future.

What we do

Our consultants review your current operations and identify any organisational, operational and business processes that must be improved before you launch into an automation solution.

We then work with you to optimise your current operations, scope and scale possibilities, while supporting you through the selection, investment and commissioning of new technology.

Prological’s proven approach of getting the basics right has helped businesses across Australia and New Zealand make sense of the automation landscape and discover the mix that’s right for their own unique circumstances and operations.

Five steps to explore before making your automation investment

Download our White Paper to help guide you through the five essential steps that must be taken before deciding if, and when, automation is right for your business.

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