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Warehouse Design

Making the right choices about warehousing affects every aspect of your operations – from inventory capacity and movement, energy efficiency and operating costs, through to the facility’s lifespan and impact on your employees’ wellbeing.

Warehouse Design

Making the right choices about warehousing affects every aspect of your operations – from inventory capacity and movement, energy efficiency and operating costs, through to the facility’s lifespan and impact on your employees’ wellbeing.

From layout optimisation through to design and build

Making the right choices about warehousing affects every aspect of your operations – from inventory capacity and movement, energy efficiency and operating costs, through to the facility’s lifespan and impact on your employees’ wellbeing.

Whether it’s a new warehouse, upgrade of an existing warehouse or reconfiguration, Prological’s warehousing team focuses on designing a scalable and flexible facility that responds to your changing needs over time.

Warehouse analytics

Modelling scenarios is at the core of our evidence-based methodology.

Our visualised models reflect differing scenarios, including fluctuations in demand peak and downtimes, MHE and automation trends, racking and building layouts (single or multi storey) proximity to customers, projected growth plans and staging options.

Our team will also advise on whether insourcing or outsourcing to a specialised 3PL is the right option for you. If you decide to go down this track, our team can help you manage the tender process to select an appropriate 3PL partner.

What we do

Our methodology will educate and guide you through the process, from location selection to implementation:

  • Audit – Analysis of your existing warehouse infrastructure, processes and systems
  • Mode analysis – Cost benefit analysis to support your decision to outsource or control the warehousing function
  • Configuration – Optimise the layout and supporting infrastructure, systems and processes, including strategic stock location, picking strategies and workflows
  • Design – New greenfield facilities or fitouts of existing warehouses
  • Visualisation – Visualise warehouse operations scenarios and building design before you decide
  • Resourcing – Model labour and resource options
  • Specification and sourcing– Define the specification and mange the selection and tendering process for automation (picking systems, MHE and AS/RS), materials handling equipment and Warehouse Management Systems (WMS)
  • Project Management – Support the relocation of warehouse facilities
  • KPI frameworks – Develop a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) framework for internal and external performance management
  • Support – Provide ongoing warehouse management support and Reporting Services.

Rethinking warehouse design

Prological is driving a new way of thinking about property.

Download our whitepaper to find out how you can achieve a more cost efficient and people-centric work environment.

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