Part 3 – Energy Storage Technologies

Energy storage, what is it, and how is it used? Simply put, energy storage is short to long-term storing of energy in electrical, mechanical, chemical, and electrochemical forms. It is a broad term that encompasses everything from AA batteries to hydroelectric dams and even elevated mass. Anything that you can put energy into then recovers […]

Part 2 – Renewable Energy Generation and Technologies

Over the past decade electricity from renewable energy generation has drastically decreased in cost due to technology improvements, economies of scale, increased supply chain competition and improved developer experience (IRENA, 2019b). These factors have culminated in renewable power generation technologies becoming the least-cost option for new generation capacity, surpassing fossil fuel plants such as coal […]

Part 1 – Renewable Energy in Australia

“Renewable energy is defined as energy that is produced by natural resources-such as sunlight, wind, rain, waves, tides and geothermal heat-that are naturally replenished within a time span of a few years” (Lund, 2014). In Australia, the total electricity production for 2017-2018 was 261,140 Gigawatt hours (GWh), (Australian Government, 2019). To put this into perspective […]