Our Story

Prological came to life in 2010 when Peter Jones resolved to transition his decades of experience gained in the supply chain industry into a specialist supply chain consultancy. The company quickly broadened its capability and capacity, onboarding analysts and consultants specialising in logistics, warehousing and supply chain management. Peter’s reputation and expertise in national and global network design, coupled with his unrivalled knowledge of the freight industry, led to further growth in status and demand for Prological’s services.

12 years later, Prological has evolved into a high-performing team. We take our work and our clients’ requirements very seriously – without taking ourselves too seriously. Our collaborative engagement approach, commitment to innovation, and ease of accessibility has led to an increasing number of referrals and multiple engagements with some of our largest clients.

Prological’s character is delivered through an experienced team, each unique in their background, education, experience, and commitment to our culture, values and excellence.